“What are you going to be for Halloween?”
It’s the question on everyone’s mind for the entire month of October! And luckily, Halloween comes around once a year, so every 365 days we have another chance to try on a new persona. Being a witch is pretty run-of-the-mill, we get it, but there are so many different ways to do it up!
And as you well know, we love anything with a tutu! So without further ado-do, we bring you some cute witch costume ideas for little girls and big girls! Each of these can easily incorporate a tutu, or a petticoat, for max volume and max fun.
Instagram a photo of your own awesome Halloween costume @bellasous
We absolutely LOVE the full length of this tutu inspired skirt. The whole costume is pretty awesome, but we think the hat and the skirt really pull the whole thing together well! If you have a little black dress, you have the start of something great! Layer under (or over!) with the BellaSous Petticoat Crinoline 418, add a few accessories, and away you go!
I don’t know, could she be any cuter? Probably not. Put your little witch in a Princess Tutu 423 and she’s guaranteed to be a hit at any party.
We are in love with everything about this teen witch costume! It’s colorful, fun, and warm(er) for the cold task of Trick or Treating. The BellaSous Layered Striped Tutu 441 is a perfect choice for conjuring your own unique and warmish teen witch.
Is it just us, or is this dress kinda awesome? It’s year-round party wear, if you dare! We love the asymmetrical hemline and the purple and black together. Hey, if kids can wear their Spider-man costumes to the grocery store in the middle of March, maybe it’s not too late for us adults to take the power back! Start with the Mini Chiffon Petticoat Skirt 410 and see where the day takes you.
Sexy Witch is sexy. All you need for this costume is a little black dress, a broom, and some va-va-va-voom! Try sexy tutu 415, for more volume than you ever thought possible with that little skirt.
Could this little gal be any more adorable? The simple answer is no! And the great news is that you could DIY this costume quite easily with fabric remnants from your local shop plus a little Princess Tutu 423 in place of the black skirt.
We love this sweet witch! She reminds us of Glinda the Good Witch, from the Wizard of Oz… but without all that hideous bubble gum pink. All this dress is missing, is the fullness of a petticoat or crinoline. May we suggest something in a BellaSous 417 or 418?